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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

oh yeah! i just love wednesdays. first, because we only have 4 subjects . second, we get dissmissed early. :> and third, i just enjoy roaming arund the school in PE uniform! =)) i can roll over kasi when i'm wearing my jogging pants and i just can't roll over when i'm wearing my skirt. :P =)) lalala.. :-"

we had talk with Ms. Roselle Ambubuyog. she's blind yet smart! she graduated valedictorian in grade school and high school and then suma cumlaude in college! can you believe her? she's so amazing! she has an insiring life. SHE'S SO GREAT! i love her. :P

during dismissal, we practiced for ibong adarna. i can't get the words right. :)) i hate being don juan but somehow love it too.. i don't get how i became don juan.. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ACT! =)) seriously. :)) but i'm having fun learning though. :P i hope our "madulang pagbasa" coes out great! :D

Succes is earned and it doesn't come in just a snap of a finger.
. ~ms. ambubuyog


day dreaming @ 6:38 PM

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

i'm just so damn bad trip. : i don't know what to write.

something interesting happened awhile ago during dismissal.. right mika? :>


day dreaming @ 8:32 PM

Saturday, January 27, 2007

i slept EARLY yesterday yet woke up LATE today. :)) i went to shang today. we went to shang using the MRT. it was so fun! :)) i went to shang to have a check up at AMERICAN EYE. when my name was called, i was so nervous :)) i don't know why so don't ask. :P the doctor checked my eye pressure. i didn't know that there was such. :)) when they check for eye pressure, they like shoot air in your eye like a gun! :))it was so freaky. the doctor said that my left eye has high air pressure. and that's bad? is it? :)) so next was to check my vision. she flashed letters in different sizes. my right eye can read until 20, 15 but my left eye, only until 20, 20. gah. at least i don't have to wear glasses like my sister! :)) her grade is 25,50. wahahaha.. =)) and then, the doctor told me that i will still see an auptomologist blabla. whatever that was. :)) so there cam the aupto--- blabla. she then asked me to sit on the chiar in the corner. and then she put anaesthesia in my left eye an dthen this colored paper. :)) so the water in my eye became YELLOW =)) anyway, she then told me that she will place the thingy tube on the surface of my eye. I WAS SO AFRAID THAT IT MIGHT HURT. but then i remembered that there was anaesthesia. STUPID ME! =)) so there. she again sheck my eye pressure. it was so freaky. =)) so i was done. and thenmy ate and i were supposed to shop pa but my dad told us that we had to go. so we went to the MRT station.my ate and i were on the "female" section and my dad was.. uhm.. he was not with us. :)) so my ate and i were all alone in the train with no adult watching over us. ISN'T THAT SCARY? :)) haiii.. but we survived it. we went home na and tadaaaah. :)) i ate doughnuts. :P

When you beat a girl, you just beat a girl. But if you get beaten by a girl, YOU GOT BEATEN BY A GIIIIRL, YOU GOT BEATEN BY A GIIIIRL. =)) :P

so all the guys out there who got beaten by a girl, LOSERS! =)) :P


day dreaming @ 5:34 PM

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

it's our class pic tomorrow, yey! :)) i'm going to bring a stuffed toy, my shades, my cap.. :)) hmmm, what else? i don't know.. whatever! :)) i'm so excited.. but i don't know what my hair style will be.. hmm.. pony?, half pony?, pigtails? :)), lugay? WHAAAT?! =)) whatever.. :))

tomorrow is also PE.. we'll dance POLKA again! :)) polka is so fun! we get to gallop during the dance.. =)) when we're 'galloping', cheska and carmela kicks my butt! =)) i kick theirs back, bleh. >:P

lalala.. today is weird. :)) mika, nikki, and I practiced for our NUMBER during the st. paul's day. [ milk and ceral. :)) ] and then we practice for our NUMBER during Ms. Cruz birthday thingy.. [ seasons of LOVE. :> ] lalalala.. i'm bored! i'm ALWAYS bored even if i always do something! =)) anyways, ciao! <3

~~(the one in bold and orange.)
Hintayin ang aking pagbabalik at kukunini ko...

=)) it sounds like chikinini.. =)) anyway, that was a typo.. :) it should be KUKUNIN. =))=))


day dreaming @ 7:41 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I hate this day and love it too! labo.. anyway.. first thing in the morning, I WAS LATE AGAIN! :)) so Ms. Patiño reminded me of how many times na akong tardy.. oh yeah, i have a Bm! hooray for me! :)) nikki has one too.. hooray for us! :)) We were laughing when we were told that we got Bms :)) haha.. anyways, the nice art bout this day is that my coach from swimming told me that i will still be JOINING the Division meet! haha.. i love it! MEDAL GALOOOOORE! :)) lalala.. :-"

oh yeah, i might be watching the Asian premiere of the High School Musical play on feb. 25. anyone watching too? see yah there.. :D haha.. i'm excited already! i hope it's great! :D



day dreaming @ 6:12 PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

uhuh.. blogger's fast today! :)) i'm so sorry if i wasn't able to post for the past days. BLOGGER IS JUST SO SLOW, gah!

oh well, so here i am again.. actually, I HATE THIS DAY. : first, Mrs. Ramirez reminded us about the people who are tardy all the time [ i'm one of them. i can't wake up early, i'm sorry! :)) ] and we will be given warning slips [ Bm ] or a C! :(( gah.. WHO INVENTED THAT RULE ANYWAY? :)) Nikki and I are always late so we are SO WORRIED! second, Mrs. Cruz got mad at us. She got mad at us for not erasing the board and for thinking like non- DD's, ugh! Even if we're DD's we are not that smart you know.. XD gah..

see? this is such a HORRIBLE day!

Tomorrow is distribution of cards! i'm not nervous 'coz i'm not going to get my card.. i have to settle my account pa.. hahaha.. so good luck to my classmates! :))

Forgiveness is more than saying sorry.


day dreaming @ 6:39 PM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

UNBELIEVABLY, blogger is fast today! Thank God! haiiii.. we had our ZARZUELA today! it was sooooo fun! unbelievably, i didn't have stage fright! hooray for meeee! =)) i think i did well. i mean everybody reacted the way i wanted them too >> LAUGH THEIR HEART OUT << lol. i'm good at comedy! wahahaha.. i love it!

one of my fave scenes with yours truly. :> oh, by the way, i'm FARTISSIMO! :P

Fartissimo: Hey Diego!
Don Diego: Fartissimo old buddy, what's up you old fart?
Fartissimo: oh, nothing much. i heard the news, don't worry! Let me introduce you to someone very special! :>
Don Diego: Another one of your imaginary girlfriends again?
Fartissimo: oh no, BETTER! Don Diego, i want you to meet one of my kids, MARIJUANA. *shows marijuana* Maybe next time you'll meet my other babies and discover the amazing world of druuuuuugs. *sing drugs is a wonderful thiiiiiiiiing*
Don Diego: Drugs? Aren’t those things bad or something?
Fartissimo: How can you accuse ONE PEOPLE without further investigation on side by side? Because in the triangle, there are 3 sides, and on the 4th sides, there are 4 sides. How many degrees is the 3 sides?!
Don Diego: Okay, okay, I’m sorry.
Fartissimo: Go on! Try eeettt!
Don Diego: Oooooh. I suddenly feel. ENLIGHTENED.
*we all sing alleluia, alleluia, alleluia* =))

i love it! :)) and my voice was kinda weird when i said my lines 'coz i'm a drug addict. and in every word i kept doing actions. :)) myclassmates told me that i was soooo funny! hahaha.. our music teacher told our class that we were the class with the nicest performance.. HAHA! oh well, that's life.. =)) yabang. joke.

that's all. I LOVE YOU ALL! <3

Do not want to die.. 'coz someone's IN LOVE with you!
>> this was from our homeroom. hahaha.. i love it so much! :)) it's just so funny.


day dreaming @ 8:53 PM

The Loved

oh hello people.. i do not know why the hell you visited my site but the heck? who cares? your here already!!

i'm andrea joana o. samaniego. but i prefer being called aA.

::stepped foot on earth 12.05.92
::fourteen years old YOUNG
::certified 100% 110% paulinian
::plays the violin and LOVES swimming
::orange and black are love.
::hates HIGANTEs
::certifiedDISNEY ADDICT
::chocolate lover
::THREE is love.
::McFly fan

please don't forget to tag before you leave.. thanks. :D

my multiply
my friendster

make me strong!

Let's go Back...

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007


link buttons

link me!!!

i made this and damn proud of it.. haha.. :)



April Batican [b] [m]
Abbie Noche [b] [m]
Alyssa Samaniego [b] [m]
Alyza Raymundo [m]
Angela Bautista [b]
Anjiliq Ortiz [b] [m]
Banyoqueens [b]
Bea Bayudan [b]
Bea Capili [b] [m]
Bianca Bagos[b]
Carla Santos[m]
Carmela Nery[m]
Celina Florentin [b] [m]
Chamy Basa[m]
Che Bantayan [x] [m]
Cheska de Luna[m]
Cheska Villacorta [b] [m]
Chinky [b]
ChuChu Romero [b] [m]
Claudine Acuña [m]
Danica Condez [m]
Elise Maog [b] [m]
Elle Brion [m]
Erin Bernardo[m]
Estela Bagos [b] [m]
Faye Abrihan [m] [m]
Hiroe Enatsu [b]
Iga Igarashi [m]
Janine Samaniego [m]
Jenine Jasmines [x]
Karmela Nebrija[m] [b]
Kim Berrenguer [b] [m]
Kit Tolentino [b] [m]
Krizia Bautista [m]
Kuya Lou [b]
Louisa Florentin [b]
Mandy Cantos [b]
Mapet Katigbak [m]
Maxine Leopando [m]
Merichris Garcia [m]
Mikka Marquez [m]
Mina Taguba [m]
Neta [b]
Nichola Brandes[m]
Nikki Ruiz [b] [m]
Nikki Surtida [b] [m]
Paolo Anderson [b]
Ria Tagulinao [m]
Rio Chan [b]
Tara Alberto [b] [m]
Tammy Jordan [f]
Ton Samaniego [b]
Treng Perez [b] [m]
Vivien Milanes [m]


Coding by: aA Samaniego

Image: Deviantart

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