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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

today was.. uhhhh.. CRAP. ugh. the zipper in my bag broke and then estela dear is down. :( i'm so sorry for not being there hah. SORRY DEAR. :)

oh, yeah. *higante and leproso, please make-up. :) para happy!

*codenames. not the people who played the characters in ibong adarna.

"For colorblind people, orange could be any color."
~nikki s. made it. =))


day dreaming @ 7:29 PM

Monday, February 26, 2007

we got 99 in our ibong adarna presentation! lovely. and miss asked for a copy of the video so that she can let future batches see it!

we only had 30 minutes per subject today because of practices for the fair. our lunch time was soooo long. it was 11:30 to 1:15 pm.. haha.. i loved it.. during lunch i hanged out with iga and estela..

during practice time, we had a meeting and then i went to see estela practice.. at first it was boring then they had a break so it wasn't boring anymore! :)) i was with estela, alee and kit.

it was sooo fun! ang sarap inisin ni iga. >:)


day dreaming @ 7:24 PM

Friday, February 23, 2007

so far, this day is considered perfect day.

We listened to Ms. KAREN DAVILA's talk. i was so starstrucked! i was one chair away from her! :)) waaaa. she made us watch one part of "The Coresspondents" where she intrviewed doctors -- Filipino doctors -- who work in Africa to take care of people with AIDS. she'a soo inspiring.

next is IBONG ADARNA. we did great. we all did! unfortunately, i was supposed to give all of my classmtes a copy of the pice but ayaw eh. :(

we had gift.. it was sooo fun! onti lang workout, 500m free, 500m choice, 2x200m free drill, 300m kick, 200m cool down.. and then we had relay! :)) funny, we did the dog paddle. hahaha.. funny talaga! =))

estela said it na hoorah! and AA said it na. hoorah! they're both happy. :P and now, i'm interferring in their lives. :))

"In this generation, we can be whoever we want to be" ~ karen davila


day dreaming @ 9:15 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

we've been practicing for a lot of days now for ibong adarna. i'm sooo excited to wear my costume! we got our costumes today and i paid P600. : my mom only knows that i bought it for P300. she thinks P600 is too expensive but, wth? =)) anyway, my cape is weird. it doesn't look like a cape. it looks like a curtain. waaa. anyway, we'll have to fix that.

i wold post some pictures here after our performance. :) wait for it guys!

:( i feel so bad estela.. why do these things happen to you? ugh.. i just wish that your 'friends' know the truth so taht they won't make stupid conclusions and assume all the time. ugh. there's nothing wrong with that right? : i feel so useless estela, SORRY.

lesson number one: DON'T SNOB PEOPLE. : you don't know naman kasi how much it hurts to be snobbed. i treat you as a friend pa naman. :


day dreaming @ 7:06 PM

Sunday, February 18, 2007

my ate will have her concert today. it's a violin concert and it will start ate 5pm.. it will be on the equitable tower. so if any of you are interested, please come! :D


day dreaming @ 1:53 PM

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

oh, how i LOVE this day yet, i hate it. :


2) I received LOTSA LOTSA chocolates. :P
3) Dindin surprised me with all those stuff. I LOVE YOU DINDIN! :-*
4) We had a lot of fun during lunch. :P
5) Estela and I finished our project in Computer. :P
6) We practiced Ibong Adarna and i was GOOD. (?)


1) We had to answer this REALLY long test in the multimedia. My eyes HURT after answering that. :(
2) Miss ramirez gave her gift to the wrong person. :( sorry miss.. :P
3) even though we finished our project, IT WAS SOOO TIRING! :
4) I got so tired practicing for Ibong Adarna.
5) There's this person who is sooo 'mababaw'. i mean, HELLO? such a simple thing. : why would you GET MAD, hah? :

oh well, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! :-* i love you all. :)

You have to tell that person right away that you love him/her. :-*


day dreaming @ 8:05 PM

Sunday, February 11, 2007

my sisters and I had new haircuts.. gah. now we all have layered hair.. si alyssa kasi.. gaya-gaya. : anyway, my ate and i are still prettier. >:) =)) waha.. so yesterday, 8:00 pm, we went to david's salon and got new haircuts.. lalala.. :-" it was supposed to be only ate and I but.. alyssa joined. : gah.. anyway.. here are some pics. :P

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ain't we pretty? =))

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

uhhh.. don't mind the one in black. :)) kidding. :P

so there. :) uhh.. to all I-1, please study for the quizz bee! we have to win! :P

Every journey has to end. :(


day dreaming @ 11:54 AM

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

i dunno what to post. : uhhh.. i came home early today and it sucks. =)) They weren't able to practice BECAUSE OF ME.. :)) i feel so bad.. WAHAHAHA.. that's what they get for making me DON JUAN. kidding kyla.. :P anyway.. my camera's BROKEN. i dunno what my ate and classmates did to it but it's broken. :( SHE HAS TO FIX IT! gah. okay, that's all.


day dreaming @ 6:59 PM

Saturday, February 03, 2007

weee.. estela and i went to the ateneo fair.. it was sooo fun! first, i waited for estela for an hour during the fair.. ANTAGAL NIYA DUMATIIIING. : =)) then, when we were walking na, a girl from the Astring-o-sol booth asked us if we wanted to take a picture... FOR FREE! :)) estela and I didn't hesitate. ahaha.. so we took our picture.

then we walked around and waited for the picture to develop. apparently, we waited for an hour. :)) we walked and walked.. circled the whole fair grounds.. and then.. we were surprised by a guy. "huli kayo" // "why?" // "for stepping on grass" // "huh? why aren't we allowed to step on grass?" // "just pay ten pesos"... =)) nakakaiyaaak. just for stepping on grass? waaaaaa.. and then the guy put a kiss mark on our arm. okay.. and then we circled the grounds again looking for something to buy.. we went to my ate and she introduced me to rony.. unfortunately, IT'A A TRAP! =)) she set us up. estela and I went to roby's booth and we had to pick a number. estela picked 15 and i picked 3. 15 was sili with pepper.. estela can't do it o it was changed to JAM! unfair estela, unfaaaaaair! :)) mine was MILK WITH SUKA. :-& yucky! it tasted sooo awful! yuck. i hate my ate for that! :)) anyway.. so we walked and walked and the we bought slippers. estela's was green and brown stripes while mine was blue and brown stripes. it's sooooo pretty! :P so we walked ans walked AGAIN and went to my ate and told corny pick-up lines like >> what do you call a mermaid that has shoes? // SHOEkoy! =)) funny right? :P so estela went home at around 5:45 and i went home at around 6:15. haha.. it was soooooooooo fun. i met nikki, taliaand daphne there. :P

Observe space. :P


day dreaming @ 6:35 PM

Friday, February 02, 2007

Do you think you're so lucky? I mean no PROBLEMS at all? think again. reflect. :D

oh gah. WHAT IF, you have this super complicated life. You have this dad who hates your mom and a mom who doesn't care about you at all. what she cares about is her body (she goes to the gym all he time). a mom without a job and doesn't do anything in the house and lets you do all the household chores. a sibling who doesn't do well in academics and lets you do all his/her school work, A SPOILED BRAT. your sibling lets you do his/her projects when you have your own to finish. you make reviewers for you sibling for the quarterly examinations [ because your UNCARING, UNMOM-LIKE mother doesn't do anything but go to the gym ] yet, he/she doesn't understand a single thing you write.in short, he/she doesn't understand anything! IMAGINE, sleping late. SOOO LATE that you get big eye bags and your eyes get sore just for that stupid SELFISH sibling you have.

imagine all of these happening to you PLUS, your parents cheating on each other and worse, you seing your dad pointing a gun at your mom's head. FREAKY right? wouldn't you HATE your life at this point? WON'T YOU WAN TO DIE? :

don't worry, this is not my story. i just made it up. i just kinda thought of it. anyway, it' just a big MAYBE. well, you might be experiencig this right now. I tell you, if you are, please tell your so called mom to be MORE LIKE A MOM. not just some insensitive jerk hanging out with her so called "friends" at the mall or going to the gym to keep that "SEXY" figure of hers and not doing what she's supposed to like: being with her kids, supporting her kids, helping her kids and especially, GIVING HER LOVE TO HER KIDS. if she can't do that, then i think she's NOT a mother. she's like the step mother of cinderella. i mean, someone WORSE. she's some monster who came from hell (i'm so sorry for the word) that wouldn't care whatever happens to her child.

i fell so guilty. i think i'm unlucky but i'm not. in fact, i'm VERY LUCKY. i think some people don't deserve this kind of life. but it's the truth and they can't change it. i hope that I can do something to set them free in this hell of a world they're trapped in.

guys, always remember thatt if you have problems, don't hesitate to talk to me. i mean, i won't bite. :) i love you guys! <3

Loving you, is easy 'coz you're beautiful.


day dreaming @ 7:38 PM

The Loved

oh hello people.. i do not know why the hell you visited my site but the heck? who cares? your here already!!

i'm andrea joana o. samaniego. but i prefer being called aA.

::stepped foot on earth 12.05.92
::fourteen years old YOUNG
::certified 100% 110% paulinian
::plays the violin and LOVES swimming
::orange and black are love.
::hates HIGANTEs
::certifiedDISNEY ADDICT
::chocolate lover
::THREE is love.
::McFly fan

please don't forget to tag before you leave.. thanks. :D

my multiply
my friendster

make me strong!

Let's go Back...

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007


link buttons

link me!!!

i made this and damn proud of it.. haha.. :)



April Batican [b] [m]
Abbie Noche [b] [m]
Alyssa Samaniego [b] [m]
Alyza Raymundo [m]
Angela Bautista [b]
Anjiliq Ortiz [b] [m]
Banyoqueens [b]
Bea Bayudan [b]
Bea Capili [b] [m]
Bianca Bagos[b]
Carla Santos[m]
Carmela Nery[m]
Celina Florentin [b] [m]
Chamy Basa[m]
Che Bantayan [x] [m]
Cheska de Luna[m]
Cheska Villacorta [b] [m]
Chinky [b]
ChuChu Romero [b] [m]
Claudine Acuña [m]
Danica Condez [m]
Elise Maog [b] [m]
Elle Brion [m]
Erin Bernardo[m]
Estela Bagos [b] [m]
Faye Abrihan [m] [m]
Hiroe Enatsu [b]
Iga Igarashi [m]
Janine Samaniego [m]
Jenine Jasmines [x]
Karmela Nebrija[m] [b]
Kim Berrenguer [b] [m]
Kit Tolentino [b] [m]
Krizia Bautista [m]
Kuya Lou [b]
Louisa Florentin [b]
Mandy Cantos [b]
Mapet Katigbak [m]
Maxine Leopando [m]
Merichris Garcia [m]
Mikka Marquez [m]
Mina Taguba [m]
Neta [b]
Nichola Brandes[m]
Nikki Ruiz [b] [m]
Nikki Surtida [b] [m]
Paolo Anderson [b]
Ria Tagulinao [m]
Rio Chan [b]
Tara Alberto [b] [m]
Tammy Jordan [f]
Ton Samaniego [b]
Treng Perez [b] [m]
Vivien Milanes [m]


Coding by: aA Samaniego

Image: Deviantart

Image uploader: Photobucket

Layout possible with: Photoshop